
Sentiment Analysis for News with ETL Pipeline using Kafka, Hadoop, and Spark

Spark etl

Utilizing the power of Hadoop, Apache Spark and machine learning, we analyze News content to determine underlying sentiments.

This will walk you through the entire process, from setting up data streaming with Zookeeper and Kafka, to using Spark for data processing and machine learning for sentiment classification

Flow diagram

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Project Structure

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  1. Install required Python packages:

    pip install -r requirements.txt
  2. Set up your News API key:

    Generate or fetch the news api from

  3. Update the Configurations in the config.json:

    • News api
    • kafka broker and topics
      • Create the topic if not present
        kafka-topics --create --topic news-topic --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --partitions 1 --replication-factor 1
    • HDFS url, path and filename
  4. Run Docker Compose to start Kafka and Zookeeper:

    Please ensure Docker and Docker Compose are installed before running the command.

    docker-compose up -d
Service URL
Hadoop Hadoop UI
Spark Spark Master UI
Jupyter Jupyter UI


  1. Run the NewsAPI Kafka producer:

    • Enter a News keyword to fetch articles from NewsAPI.
    • Type ‘exit’ to quit the producer.
  2. Run the Kafka consumer and write it to HDFS:

    • Consumes messages from the Kafka topic.
    • Writes news data to HDFS in JSON format.
  3. Verify the data in HDFS

    hdfs dfs -ls /user/spark/
    hdfs dfs -head /user/spark/news_data_articles.txt
    • NewsArticle Data is stored in HDFS
  4. Loading the HDFS data to spark for Machine learning analysis

    Open Notebook

    • Spark analysis is done on the news article stored on hdfs and prediction is stored in the output for future analysis